I have been noticing more frequently that the thumbnail choices for movie discussions have been quite ridiculous and was wondering why that is. They do have some connection to the movie, but are not a still or a picture from the movie itself. It seems like it is done for a comedic effect, but to me it doesn't really seem funny and comes off a bit pathetic - like someone is trying really hard to be edgy. Alternatively, there could sometimes be a still from the movie, but it's something weird. For example a still where the character looks silly, because he/she is in the middle of saying something.
At this moment the thumbnail for the Thor:Ragnarok discussion is a close-up of Stan Lee's smile and mustache and the thumbnail for the Jigsaw discussion is of a random dude surfing with a Jigsaw mask on.
The weirdest one that comes to mind was how the thumbnail for Dunkirk was changed from having a still from the movie involving Harry Styles to a paparazzi pic of him throwing up at the side of the road to a shrine that some fans put up there with Nolan's face next to it. I understand that not everything has to be super serious but in the case of Dunkirk that 9gag-type humor seems even kind of disrespectful.
So I'd like to know if anybody else is bother by this and would like to see less of those kinds of thumbnails or is it just me and I should go and try to remove the stick from my ass?
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 12:43PM by ISeaWhatYouDidThere2 http://ift.tt/2yOdQPD