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I really hope that Thanos gets some proper development in Infinity War

If there's one thing that most people can agree on, it's that most Marvel villains are mediocre at best. There have been some good ones, but a lot of the villains (particularly in the origin movies) are pretty cookie cutter. They're not there because they feel like a threat, they're there to be a hurdle for our heroes to overcome.

To date, we haven't even had 5 minutes of total screen time for Thanos. He's mentioned quite a bit in Guardians of the Galaxy, but other than that, we don't hear much about him. I'm assuming that he will be the villain for both Infinity War and Avengers 4, so I hope that they spend a great deal of Infinity War building him up and fleshing him out, so that when shit really hits the fan in Avengers4, we have a reason to care. I want to feel like there are some actual stakes, and that we won't just be going through the motions for this finale.

I feel like I repeated myself a bit, but hopefully my point got across. This is what we've been building to for 10 years. I've enjoyed almost every one of the Marvel movies, despite their flaws, but I don't think they've had a truly great villain yet. And it would be so satisfying for the villain of this 10 year (well, 11 by the time Avengers 4 comes out) to be the complex, deep, kick-ass villain that we've all been waiting for.

Submitted January 27, 2018 at 11:03AM by WhiteWolfofUtah

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