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What sequel or sequels hurt the lore of the original film the most?

I personally think unnecessary sequels have been weighing down the overall quality of films the past decade or so, especially during the summer. What sequel or sequels do you believe harmed the lore or premise of the original film the most?

I would like to say The Last Jedi since Rian Johnson seemed to go out of his way to undo or purposefully not payoff most of the cliffhangers JJ Abrams set up in The Force Awakens. But my goodness that pales in comparison to the sequels for the Matrix.

The visuals were still cool but the sound is so loud its hard to hear dialogue in some parts. The action scenes are over-stuffed and pretty repetitive. The idea to keep Agent Smith as the antagonist was obviously not planned when the original was filmed and was particularly dumb in my opinion. And I could feel the Wachowski siblings smiling smugly at me through the cinema screen during the overly long, bloated and frankly boring speech from the architect. Sorry that wasn't clever and just sucked as the payoff to watching the second film.

Although, I will admit most of The Animatrix expands and adds to the Matrix world building. If only they had made the sequel films in that vain rather then what we got it, maybe they would still be making Matrix films.

Submitted February 27, 2018 at 11:21AM by BrettBarbarian

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