It goes "At the story's heart is Caesar (Andy Serkis), a chimpanzee who gains human-like intelligence and emotions from an experimental drug. Raised like a child by the drug's creator, Will Rodman (James Franco) and a primatologist Caroline Aranha (Freida Pinto), Caesar ultimately finds himself taken from the humans he loves and imprisoned in an ape sanctuary in San Bruno. Seeking justice for his fellow inmates, Caesar gives the fellow apes the same drug that he inherited. He then assembles a simian army and escapes the sanctuary - putting man and ape on a collision course that could change the planet forever. Written by 20th Century Fox"
Are you for real? This is like spoiling the whole movie from the very beginning up to the final scene. This is cheap.
Also, can't wait to get my hands on the Dawn in 4k HDR, I have no idea why I waited so long to watch it. This movie blew me away, great blend of action, suspense, emotions and thriller. What a ride.
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 11:44AM by hollson