Hello. I'm a 32-year-old Japanese who has worked as a pharmacist for 9years. Recntly I deeply consider about my future, my carrier, and my retirement life. I wonder if I can keep my currier in somehow as a pharmacist in Indonasia. My dream is to spend my rest of life in South East Asia. ASEAN may set up rule medical worker's transfor beyond countries like EU in the future - I've searched they are aiming to do by 2020. Is there anyone to be a Indonasian pharmacist from overseas? I'm studying Indonasian now. But I'm not sure just to study Indonasian approaches me to be a local pharmacist there.I know it's nessesary and I have to pass exams to be. .but I couldn't find any sample of its examinations.
Btw it seems to be able to work as a Japanese pharmacist at Japanese Hospital/Clinic in Singapore and bangkok though. . .
Submitted July 01, 2018 at 10:47AM by lilcatgg https://ift.tt/2tQGRWh