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When I watch a movie or a tv show, is everything I see scripted?

I’m re-watching Better Call Saul and one scene Kim is smoking a cigarette on top of a car garage and I realized every car parked on the street or driving was period appropriate to the show. Originally I figured they were just shooting the scene with live traffic in the background, but I can’t imagine there was one more modern car there. Everything seemed so natural too, with how people were crossing the street and everything.

Is this all scripted? Some crafty dusting of true footage? Or I’m just gullible and its CGI for some reason?

Another one I was wondering was an episode later they’re at the US-Mexico border. Obviously they’re not shooting at an actual border stop, but where and how do they film scenes like this? Empty space somewhere that Hollywood owns so they can build a set and film? Pay the police/municipality to reroute traffic for a bit so they can shoot? How do shows and movies shoot scenes on roads like this?

Submitted January 29, 2019 at 10:07AM by OrangeAndBlack

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