What kind of demand do you think there would be for a 100-film Best Picture box set after the 100th Academy Awards? I know the logistics for putting it together would be an absolute nightmare (hence why a similar set has never existed, outside of a couple studios' 10-film "best of" efforts), but what kind of demand (and pricing) do you think would have to arise beforehand in order for one to exist? Personally, I would be willing to pay a fairly high price, assuming the extras were worth it, e.g. at least something for the very earliest films and at least the original DVD extras + something Oscar-related for the latest films.
Note: I originally posted this in r/oscars, but all I got were sarcastic jokes in the vein of, "I'D PAY $0 BECAUSE [movie that I didn't like] WOULD BE IN IT." This joke was funny a grand total of zero times, so please refrain from that kind of comment, if you would.
Submitted February 26, 2019 at 07:12AM by daBomb619 https://ift.tt/2GLq5AL