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The black people are supposed to be the villains in "Do The Right Thing" right?

So I watched the movie "Do The Right Thing" and my interpretation of it is that all of the black characters except "da mayor" were in the wrong and betrayed Sal.

This seems to be literally the only possible interpretation of the movie as it has the most hated black person in the town convince the clearly borderline mentally deficient town thug who is also hated by most people in the town to verbally assault Sal who smashes his boombox and then once the police kill the radio thug the black people get upset with Sal and destroy his pizza shop despite him not doing anything wrong and the main character even betrays Sal who has said that he sees him as family.

There isn't any other way to interpret this movie right? No one could think that all the black characters except "da mayor" are not horrible villains right?

BTW I'm not racist it just happens that this movie is about black people and I could have said "all the characters that betray Sal and his family", but it happens that this movie is about race relations or something.

I'm just wondering because I'm gonna be discussing it in film class and just want to make sure I'm right.

Submitted February 28, 2019 at 08:50AM by KingHorseFucker

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