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Handheld cameras seem more burdensome and aesthetically displeasing than stationary cameras - why, then, were/are they used so much?

For some reason as of late I've noticed how jittery the frame is when handheld cameras are used; it's gotten to the point where it bothers me, and I can't help but think of how good Fincherian-style cameras look in comparison. The shots are cleaner, more stable, and naturally align with how we actually see the world. I understand the use of handhelds and shaky cam for action scenes and such, but otherwise, I'm failing to understand their usage over stationary cameras. If anything, it seems as if it would be cheaper and less burdensome to use a stationary camera over having someone lug one around.

I dunno, I'm just a layman, and any input is welcome!

Submitted April 27, 2019 at 11:21AM by endmoor

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