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How can I help my friend who is in a bad relationship?

Tl;dr - My best friend has been in an unhealthy relationship for just under 6 months. She isn't listening to her 2 best friends, D and I, who are trying to give her advice. How can I help her?

We'll call my friend M, her bf A, and our mutual friend D.

M has been in a relationship with A since late November/early December. She met him at work and both D and I are concerned about the healthiness of their relationship. Here are a few things we're worried about:

  • From the beginning of their relationship, she has told us that he makes little effort in the relationship.
  • His values also don't fit hers because she constantly talks about "educating" him.
  • They almost broke up a few months ago over an imbalance in their relationship.
  • She shit talks him on her Twitter (which he follows???) and retweets tweets about basic healthy relationship things saying "I wish I could do this with my boyfriend." But then comes back a day later with tweets about getting wanting to get married to him?
  • He ignores her whenever she's upset, regardless of her reason why. He only comes back when she's "cooled off"

D and I have both been through some emotionally manipulating relationships and we're worried. We've tried talking to her about it, but she won't listen. We really don't like this guy, nor the way he treats her. What should I do?

Submitted April 27, 2019 at 10:51AM by YoureJustFam

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