I've been wanting to get an exact high quality replica of the Mask of Loki from "The Mask." So far, there are two places that I'm looking at. One is a seller from Etsy and the other is from Reelart.com.
The Esty seller's is a deluxe package that comes with a custom display plaque. It's a 1:1 scale prop made from resin, using the first generation mold used in the original movie, and has been hand painted by an industry professional in the USA. He's charging $4.50. $492 when you include sales tax. https://www.etsy.com/listing/634536696/the-mask-loki-mask-with-plaque-custom
Reelart's is also a 1:1 scale prop, using the original mold and made from resin. It also includes an easel for display. Including sales tax, it costs $87. http://www.reelart.net/loki-mask-the-mask-jim-carrey-cameron-diaz-with-clear-easel-special-limited-edition/
I know what everyone is thinking: "Ummm, duh! Go with the cheaper, Reelart mask!" But what's really confusing me is that if they are both made using the same mold, the same material and are painted the same way, why does does the Etsy mask cost so much more?
I'm really on the fence. Both masks look really good, but I don't know which direction to go. Hopefully you guys can help me out.
Submitted July 01, 2020 at 04:43AM by bestlozoman https://ift.tt/2CTOKSV