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Happiness of the Katakuris

I have watched a lot of Takashi Miikes films, but I've got to say Katakuris is by far one of my favorites. I love Miikes sense of humor. The fact that it's a murder musical just cements it as one of his more memorable films. Well, memorable in the sense that its a slight departure from his usual hyper violent blasts of cerebral stimulation.

As an aside, I've been a Miike fan for a long time and I was a Blade of the immortal fan as well long before his adaptation. It was an immense source of joy when I found out he was to be the one to bring it to life. I was not disappointed.

What is your favorite Miike film?

Submitted September 26, 2020 at 04:27AM by 3Quondam6extanT9

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