Hello everyone. I am fairly new to TikTok (1 month).
I posted a lot of videos where my comments, shares and likes are great (or so I think).
You can see here a video which I think did well, but it died in views quickly. Only one of my videos went above 60k all the other under 2.
I just want to understand if there is something I’m missing (I notice that my video quality drops when I upload and my videos are mostly outdoor trick shots) or maybe something is up with my account? Maybe I set it up wrong? I’m in Italy and initially I did not use a VPN for my first videos, but later switched since my content is in English. But then I don’t get why I got 60k on one video 🤔
I’m not expecting millions of views, but I feel that my metrics are pretty good. I just had having no clue as to what I am doing wrong or if this is unrelated to my content and related to other factors.
I shared one video here but most of my videos have a good like ratio, a lot of comments and a good amount of shares so I’m confused.
I am curious to hear if others are going through the same or if anyone has had the same issues and has resolved them somehow😂
Thanks in advance!
Submitted November 14, 2020 at 05:06AM by Trickshotdav https://ift.tt/2UpucYb