Viral Post

Should I do it or not

So basically it the same thing as :

So i "found" a job that payes really good but seems shady I need some advice. So It would be acting as storage man I don't really know the real name but basically it's I have to keep some bags of idduno what cause it's in a closed box and then when the people want to take it back give it to them and it'be paid really good like really good. I looked up some laws I did not find any law saying keeping things for people as little job would be illegal but the money the propose for that type of job seem way to much. They propose approximately 100 for each day I keep it and they'll come pick up the bags like 5 or 6 day after the bring it normally they said. What should I do?

Submitted November 13, 2020 at 04:45AM by its-for-one-question

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