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Looking for something that's (literally) endlessly re-watchable.

A friend and I are planning on doing something along the lines of the podcast "the worst idea of all time", for ourselves and our own enjoyment. For those of you that haven't heard of it, this means we plan on watching the same movie, every day, for a year.

This instantly presents a problem, what movie should we watch? It cant be something too good, we don't want to learn to hate one of our faves. It also cant be too bad, we don't want to hate doing this from the start.

We want something relatively fast paced and funny, but are open to suggestions. We cant be too picky, but anything crazy long or with long quiet scenes isn't gonna be any fun.

So what should we watch? What could hold up to 365 re-watchings?

Thanks for your help!

Edit: Okay so this part's gonna keep changing, but here's the list of possibilities we're gonna whittle down from:
Blazing Saddles
Fight Club
Legally Blonde
Groundhog day
Hot Fuzz
Scott Pilgrim Vs The world

Edit# 2: I'll update with a winner when we figure out who that winner is in the next few hours. Also, who keeps downvoting this? I'm not upset, just curious what the hate's about.

Edit #3: Looks like we're going for clue! Lemme know if y'all want updates.

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 09:21AM by evrybdygetshigh

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