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Pulp Fiction

The strength of the film is best characterised, I believe, by the conversation between Vincent and Jules in the car about the Royale with Cheese. A conversation about such ordinary subject matter can still be that interesting, being one of my favourite scenes, demonstrates how strong the acting and directing is. The aesthetic of the film is very appealing with a bright colour palette imitating the comics that Tarantino has stated were his inspiration. The soundtrack is excellent as is expected from a Tarantino film. The several different stories all happening in the same time frame are equally as captivating as each other meaning the viewer gets gripped by one then immediately by another. Tarantino’s most crucial directorial decision is not having the film in chronological order. In my opinion this is the key point that separates Pulp Fiction from other gangster films making it entirely unique in 1994. This choice allows Tarantino to maximise the emotional involvement of viewers in the story and Jules’ character arc as he would leave the story very uneventfully if it was in chronological order. Tarantino uses many close up shots on key characters’ faces which helps accentuate the facial expressions that are so important for the actors to get what they are trying to convey about the character across to viewers. The acting overall in this movie is of the very highest quality helping it achieve the widespread acclaim it has done. Someone who I had never really noticed before in previous viewings was Ving Rhames as Marcellus Wallace who despite very limited screen time made a large impact with his speech to Butch and Zed being very effective and an underrated moment. Before this film John Travolta’s career had taken a nosedive but his excellent performance as Vincent surprised everyone deservedly earning an Oscar nomination for Best Leading Actor. Then of course you have Samuel L. Jackson, who’s monologue is one of the most famous ever performed. He too deservedly gained an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Bruce Willis also puts in a career high performance as Butch. Tarantino himself was practically the only bad performer as Jimmy. You also see the first piece of evidence for Tarantino’s infamous foot fetish. Overall it’s lives up to its considerably large hype and is definitely a film that anyone should watch. One of the best films ever made. 10/10

Submitted May 26, 2020 at 04:44AM by isaacrobi333

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