Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:51AM by Slommyhouse
You’ve lost many second dates just from responding too quick to a text
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:51AM by Slommyhouse
You have not been invited to a single one of your birthday parties
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:52AM by candyshark2
Sean Connery is two different actors
Is it only me that have an impression that beardless Sean Connery and bearded Sean Connery are actually two different actors? Wake up sheep, it's a conspiracy! <puts on tinfoil hat>
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:55AM by enador
The water you drink has probably already been in someone else’s body and through their system
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:56AM by chillwill_420
Cuteness is an inverse bell curve with age
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:57AM by OutbackRhythms
The internet is the closest thing we have to Interdimensional Cable
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:58AM by learnaboutnetworking
Teaching how to pay taxes in school would take a day, at most
Why does everyone say school is useless because they don't teach you how to pay taxes, lmao
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:59AM by marcato53
If everyone in the world dies then in a few years years all the batteries in phones laptops and other such devices will suddenly explode causing a lot of tiny explosions.
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:59AM by Meg4watts
Everyone dies inside first
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 05:00AM by moneybot13
Wheatley and the Space Core ran out of battery life.
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 05:00AM by YodasChick-O-Stick
Scarecrows probably scare Sheryl Crow more than actual crows
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 05:00AM by esairbear
Dog trainers train dog owners, not dogs.
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 05:03AM by kojo2047
For a lot of people daydreams are more like day nightmares
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 05:05AM by moneybot13
Scar’s family named him after a facial disfigurement, made him live away from all the other lions, and then were surprised when he betrayed them all.
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 05:07AM by Kalehfornyuh
Action Park is the G.W. Zoo of amusement parks.
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 05:09AM by justshtmypnts
We need more movies about Julius Caesar
How do we not have several blockbuster movies about this guy?
Forced into exile after his uncle lost a bloody civil war, he leaves the priesthood and joins the military. He loses all his inheritance and status.
You simply can’t ask for a more epic origin story.
From there he becomes a war hero, a rumored lover of a neighboring king, a political mastermind, a husband, a general, and a dictator.
He was a masterful author, tactician, and schemer.
He was frequently in debt, but his charisma and savvy gained him success. He was kidnapped by pirates. He has several wives, and his romantic exploits included Cleopatra and the mother of his own murderer.
Seriously. This needs to be a miniseries or trilogy or something - does anything like this exist??!
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:59AM by RockleyBob
Dune (2020) trailer
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 05:04AM by EuphoricFactor
Wrapped up my week of European Movie Gems 2010 or newer. See my reviews below.
Decided to watch European Movies for a week. Pretty much seen everything American. Went with 2010 and newer, award nominated, and in the crime/mystery/thriller category. Went ahead and ranked em below for anyone that needs a good movie. I would honestly reccomend every one of these except for Pusher. Feel free to throw some more good thriller/crime movies on my to watch list.
Marshlands- Basically the Spanish True Detective (as a movie)...except better. 10/10
The Traitor- Great film on one of the most notorious gangsters turned informant. 9.5/10
Que dios nos perdone-Also similar to True Detective in a sense. Great serial killer hunt movie. 9.5/10
The Prophet- Coming of age movie. An illiterate prison kid grows up quick with help from his mentor to become a mafioso. Half in jail, half out. Fun concept. 9/10
The Hater- Dark, witty, a little slow at first, but in the last 30 minutes it's like an atom bomb went off. Very tense and gripping. 9/10
No Rest for The Wicked- Great anti-hero story about a cop who commits a crime, but stumbles upon a bigger conspiracy. It's a fun badass type of movie. 8/10
The Invisible Guest-A thriller for anyone. Literally this movie is so fun idk how someone couldn't enjoy it. 8/10
July 22- I'd compare it to the American "Patriots Day" if you will. Similar concept kind of. Great true story about survivors and the psycho behind the act. Hard to watch, but gripping. 8/10
The Hunt- Mads Mikkelsen...need i say more? I actually had too high of standards going into this. Thought I'd be watching a violent revenge movie...but it turns out Mads just proves he's innocent of child rape...Ending was not my favorite. 7.5/10
Pusher- a little too old for my liking. It's a fun and funny movie. Just nothing to celebrate. Will have to watch the sequel. 6/10.
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 05:06AM by Gorndog92
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:29AM by The-world-is-done
Breonna Taylor’s Ex Offered Plea Deal Which Required Him to Say She Was Part of Drug Operation
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:32AM by The-world-is-done
Beirut blast caused more than £3.4 billion worth of damage
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:48AM by wcypierre
Is there a sub for why you left a sub?
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:46AM by therealestofdeadmeme
Follow the leader
Why is leading projected as better than being lead? Not the element. Furthermore, why are there leadership training programs, but not...follower-ship...programs? Don’t get me wrong, leadership is important, but proportionally, will most people be leading or following leaders most of the time? .
Submitted September 01, 2020 at 04:52AM by SquibblesDibbles
If you work in a porn website company, opening porn is totally safe for work.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:47AM by kesphan
Technically any bottle is reusable even the cheap plastic ones people hate so much, all you have to do is refill it. The word reusable on the bottles label doesn’t make it the only bottle that can be reused
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:48AM by TheCreamiestBoi
Students study more as exams get closer. Athletes train less as competitions get closer.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:48AM by Isaac_Newton_v2
Ice cream and hot sauce might be really good together. We're just scared to try it.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:48AM by Jvarblow
Many of the most significant inventions were created by animals rather than humans
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:49AM by scardenas13
Animals who gulp their food like crocs, some species of bird etc— don’t have any preference for taste. They just want their belly full and satisfy their need to eat.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:52AM by blissfulhavoc
You can tell how well off a person is by how they treat the lights in their own house.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:53AM by dragarowen
Boy Fiero is the Stone
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:54AM by xxxtabletop007
Just how dark mode recently became a thing it's analogous to how we invented lighters before we invented the matchstick.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:54AM by alphabeta_g
"Blowin in the wind" and "poison heart" sound a bit similar
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 05:01AM by wifebad
“Fuck Bitches, Get Money” is an actual slogan for a male prostitute.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 05:06AM by TryingToNotBeInDebt
The truth about Patrick Bateman's business card
Bateman's card is actually terrible. The type face is just a poor choice over all. The letters have variable thickness in the lines, and they aren't monospaced which is a big no-no. Plus, despite using a sub-cap design, the advantage is lost due to the massive first letters. Usually you want the first letters of every word to be slightly, but noticeably larger than the rest of the word. That in combination with the capitalization, makes the whole thing easier to read. But the small capitals on BATEMAN are too large, there's very little difference between the size of the "B" and the "ATEMAN". Sure, traditionally last names are full caps, but it looks better to small cap between 85% and 95% instead and Bateman's is just... weird, cause the B is still a hair larger so it's obvious he's going for a small caps look.
But the typeface is obviously not designed for small caps in the first place. First of all, it's not monospaced. Secondly, each capital letter has variable line thickness and some are even tilted or skewed to draw as much attention as possible. Generally, that's done to make sentences and proper nouns easier to read. A proper small capital design just makes capitals easier to read without calling special attention to them. Weirder, the difference between the "P" and "atrick" in "Patrick is just so huge that it looks like regular capitalization. So really, the difference between Bateman's design and just writing Patrick BATEMAN (which is the traditional format) is negligible.
The numbers are terrible as well. The phone number, while also being way too far from the edge, is nothing but disjointed from the rough-shod centering. Due to the lack of monospacing, the three fives are almost twice as big as the 212, so the fives are centered lower. To make it worse, the next number after the fives is a six so far up it might as well be superscript, followed by a three slightly larger than the fives and a four a little smaller. The two of course, is centered up slightly and is almost half the length of the four.
There are also generally just errors and spacing problems. In the upper corner is the firm name, Pierce & Pierce, which, for some ungodly reason, is missing a space on one side so it's "Pierce &Pierce". I can barely read "Mergers and Acquisitions", due to how crowded it is. The address at the bottom is full of the numbers issues, but doesn't suffer as much from the capitalization since it's so small. Unfortunately, the whole address is also off center, the space between the start and the edge and the end and the edge is noticeibly different.
I can assume that the card itself is made from good stock from the other character's reactions, but the design of the thing is an atrocity.
Compare it to David's card, which has issues like the unnecessary bolding of his name which was unaccounted for when spacing the letters, or the bad type face, but which has fewer issues over all. The phone number is all equal sizes and proper spaced, the "Pierce & Pierce" has proper spacing between the words, and the address is at least centered, if not too far away from the bottom edge. Over all, it has a better composition than Bateman's, but could use some work.
Bryce's card is where it gets interesting. While I'm personally not a fan of textured cards, that's mainly personal opinion. It's really a divisive issue, I think it makes the whole thing look cheap and poorly-made, like it was manufactured from recycled from toilet rolls, but to each their own. Anyway, the typeface, while not perfect, is significantly better. Unlike Pattan's card, the name really does need to be bolded due to the typeface, and the lack of monospacing is not helping matters. But it's definitely a better choice. The numbers are the same size, which is good, and the address is both well spaced and well typed. Also, everything in general is just a bit bigger and lines up a bit better, though the phone number is slightly inwards of the address, and the firm name is centered slightly bellow the phone number, it's still much much better. Plus, I'm a slut for raised lettering.
Finally we get to the only good card in the bunch, Paul Allen's. The typeface is the only one that's monospaced, and the lines are all the same thickness. It's a prime example of how to use small capitals, each small capital is about 80 or 85% the size of a normal capital, as it should be. PIERCE & PIERCE is sized especially well, and the "Mergers And Acquisitions" is not only done in small caps with good letter spacing, it's also the same length as "PIERCE & PIERCE", which is a huge deal. The phone number is great too, not only because of the typeface, but also because of the periods. The spaces between numbers in a phone number is usually a weak-point for business cards, cause dashes are more eyesore and hard to read than helpful, but the periods get out of the way of the numbers will also making it clear and easy to read.
A personal favorite of mine, is how the phone number is spaced directly between "PIERCE & PIERCE" and "Mergers And Acquisitions" and how he's broken up the address and fax number into two lines.
If I had any complaint's about Allen's card, it would be the exact spacing between letters. The "P" in "Paul" is just a bit too far away from the "aul". And the rest of the capitals are just a bit too close together for my taste, but now I'm nit-picking.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:41AM by AFabulousCapitalist
I’m trying to find a specific movie
The movie is about a guy who wants to manage a fast food restaurant but has never worked one but I don’t specifically know the title but it has something to do with chicken. If someone can legitimately help me on this that will be amazing. It is not How Hungry or Fast Food Nation. Something to do with chicken in the title AND ITS NOT SUPER SIZE ME 2: HOLY CHICKEN
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:48AM by The-Real-Uber-Driver
WWll anime movie?
Looking for an anime movie set during WWll. I’ve seen a short clip where an American soldier is playing a piano in a war town building and a German soldier comes out of the rubble. The American turn and sees him but continues to play piano but then German soldier kills him. That’s all I got. Thanks y’all
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:52AM by Bikelife114
Jurassic World: Dominion: New Set Image Reveals Spooky Dinosaurs
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 05:04AM by sule02
Looking for movies name
I am looking for a movie where a cancerous boy desires a last wish to have sex with a celebrity woman. He did it in the way of a TV reality show in the movie. The husband of the celebrity was sleeping while the celebrity woman saw it while watching TV. This is what I remember from a trailer. Would be glad if anyone could help out.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 05:04AM by polterghosthunter
She goes mental every time we cut the grass
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:22AM by NefariousD707
Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:29AM by theflyz
I am living in an abusive home, what do I do?
I want to type this post out quick while my emotions are running pretty high, since my mom tends to guilt me into empathizing with her after our fights are over.
I am 14, in Canada. I had a fight with my mom right now. We often have fights. My dad never does anything about and always plays the middleman. He thinks the blame is on both of us. I don't think so.
This has gone on for a while, for some context, and because of it I think I developed a huge anger streak. I am very hot headed. Sometimes when my mom is frustrated or berating me in some way, I show attitude and insult her. I don't know how to explain it, but I think it'll make sense when I tell about the fight and stuff
I am recording for my exam and while I do have a good video ready, it's not the best that I can do so we decided to do another recording. However, before that, my parents allowed me to visit my friend for a week (my family is usually pretty easy-going and loving, however it has problems and they are pretty obvious during our fights)
I was very jealous. Her parents are so so nice, and that may be because I was over as a guest, but my parents fight in front of guests too so I don't know if that matters. I got frustrated at them near the end of the week and we got into a small argument, but I felt very guilty and apologized to them after since it's not good manners. The family as a whole had a very good dynamic and I told my friend that. I felt really happy after the whole vacation and stuff.
So I came back after a week was over. We left ourselves one day before August 31st, the deadline, to record, which I realize now was kinda a bad idea since it didn't give me a chance to get into the "feel" again if that makes sense. I record the video, which is supposed to be 20+ minutes, but when I returned, it had strangely cut off at 6 min. The file size was HUGE, like 1 and something gb, which is very very strange. Even stranger, when I deleted the video (which should have freed up 1 gb in my storage) it didn't update for some reason and kept showing me that my storage was too full. This is NOT a problem with the amount of files themselves; I had cleaned out my phone prior and I had enough storage space available, the phone just fucking spazzed out or something.
I went down and told my dad about the problem and tried to explain the details, but he kept insisting that the problem was with the amount of files (it was not, I checked the Xiaomi help page and apparently it's a common error with the phone but idk) so at some point I grew frustrated with him and just sat down to fix the problem myself. This is actually not the best decision, I was being pretty bratty, since my dad does know more than me about these things, but I was tired and my dad kept saying that the problem was this when it wasn't and it probably wouldn't help.
My mom came over, I told her about the problem, then she started to talk to me in a very condescending and aggressive tone since I wasn't giving the phone over to my dad. I told her that I was trying to find the problem with it and that if I don't I'd give it over. She got mad and started berating me. Okay, more context: when my mom becomes like this, I tend to get very snappy as a way to cope. It's something I developed over the years because before that I'd just stay silent and it would aggravate her a lot, and I was angry and frustrated since I couldn't defend myself against her. So she put the blame on my dad for some fucking reason, and I told her that it's fine, he didn't do anything wrong, but that just made her MORE shitty towards me. After some point of staying silent and tearing up, I told her "Fine, Jesus, I'll give it to my dad, but stop being annoying" and then left to do that. Oops, should not have shown attitude like that. She started shouting loudly at me, the usual, but I thought stupidly that I was not going to take this shit again sitting down, so I told her to shut the fuck up.
She ran over, some wooden desk thing in her hands, making motion with her hands like she had the intent to hit me. I panicked. She started yelling at me and insulting me and getting up into my space, I tried to push her away. At some point I think I was in tears and I screamed at her. She flung open the front door in front of me and told me, so that the entire neighbourhood could hear, to GTFO. I was frozen, but I managed to tell her no. She tried to push me out forcefully but I didn't let her. My dad, at this point, rushed downstairs and pulled her away from me, yelling at her calm the fuck down and that she drank too much wine or something. To clarify, my dad is NOT fucking supportive of me even when this shit happens. He thinks it's both of our faults, when idk fam, she calls me a retard, hits me, pulled me up by the neck once, and the only thing I do is retaliate, and when she "apologizes" she guilts me into thinking that it's MY fault. He told me to go to my room. At first I did, but then I decided to go to the bathroom and lock myself instead because that'd be safer. That's when I decided to make this post.
Usually when this shit happens I forget about once she guilts me, and I think to myself something like "well she shouldn't do that, but it'll get better/she was the victim, I'm dramatizing it" but the visit to my friend's gave me a different perspective on this whole situation. Her parents NEVER did this shit. Sure, they fought, maybe even a lot, but they always calmed down before they could insult each other, laughed it off, and showed a good example to their kid. If we acted up, or if they wanted to say something of importance to us, they didn't berate us, it was only ever light scolding, not like how my mom or sometimes dad do it. My situation is not normal.
I made a short video of her screaming but I'm not sure if I should post it or if I should delete it ahead of time, since they might go through my phone.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:45AM by terminala__hole
I realized something about myself.
For as long as I can remember I have thought an apology meant that you are giving your word you are not going to do the thing you apologized for again. So I have thought that I was being truthful in apologizing and now in my mid teen years I figured out the real meaning of the words, i'm sorry. After I figured out that it meant you felt remorse for your actions I thought back and have realized I have never felt sorry for doing anything. Sure I have almost never repeated the things I apologized for but I never felt bad for them. What is going on? Is this normal? Does everyone just say i'm sorry to be polite or do they actually wish they had not done what they apologized for? I am not going to ask anybody I know in real life this because I don't want to appear odd.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:48AM by Nieofw8743t976
Canadian Redditors
I'm moving next July to Canada as an Arab Immigrant. A completely new 1st time adventure for me. 1- What should i know about Canadian people and society? ( I'm Christian ) 2- What's the best and easiest place to live in Canada Tax and beautiful places wise? ( I'm a hard worker )
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:49AM by Fadi_ALN
Almost definitely not a mental disorder just wondering
So basically every year I end up thinking about how much cooler I was two years ago and I miss myself from two years ago. There’s is les than a 1% chance this is a mental disorder but every year I think that me two what’s ago was the shit and get sad about it so just wondering
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 04:54AM by RetardLord
Does acne goes away
My acne wasn’t always that bad in my young teenage years. I even thought iwas lucky that I didn’t get any, until my late 17 year everything went down hill. That’s when I started to get more acne around my face. I tried various products but none of them seemed to worked, and I can’t go to a dermatologist because it’s very expensive. Am 18 now and everyday i lost hope about my face. I guess I was destined to be ugly.
Submitted August 31, 2020 at 05:03AM by Honest_Confection907
Athletes are striking not boycotting.
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:51AM by WowYouAreThatStupid
Very few things hurt more than someone you've already met before saying "It was nice to meet you!"
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:53AM by swimminginthecarpool
Grocery stores make a lot of money from perishables during power outages
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:55AM by Nivarity
In olden times underpants were there to help keep your clothes clean because cleaning clothes took some work. In modern times underpants are actually redundant.
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:57AM by TheKiwiYeti
An octopus with only 6 arms is a hexapus.
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:57AM by thesmartass1
Less car accidents would happen if it was required to have common sense before getting a license
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 05:05AM by WETleader
The Zoom mullet is business on the top and pajama pants on the bottom
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 05:11AM by Punderground
Only Thor and the worthy know how heavy Mjolnir actually is
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 05:11AM by synthetic_wishbones
The guy who get's his leg bitten off in Jaws still holds up...
So why not replace all the other shark bits with CGI ?
Spielberg and Lucas get criticism for going back and tinkering with their movies. There are some movies which ( classic as they are ) might be able to stand a bit of tweaking. Tastefully done, with the original director at the chair, I could see Jaws benefiting from a CGI shark.
Any other movies do with an upgrade ?
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:38AM by Pyehouse
I’m having a moment. Help me out?
I’m trying to find what movie this is from. It’s killing me. I’m hoping someone just might know and put me out of my misery lol.
In my head, there’s a female voice. This voice sounds like Joan Cusack. I can’t quite pin the scene but I think it’s at the end of an argument or before she does something. She yells, “it’s overrrr!!!!” or its so over! But she draws it out at the end.
I can’t pin it to a movie but I know that’s where I heard it. I have absolutely no idea how to search this in google either; all my results are completely unrelated. My guess is Adams Family: Family Values but I’m not 100%. Most of the clips from YouTube that I’ve watched don’t have that scene.
Anyone want to take a guess at this?
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:43AM by Luimallozzi
Gone In 60 Seconds is a great movie
This only has 6.5 on IMDB and I think that’s unfair. The film is amazing. It created the hype of the GT500 for a lot of people that think they like mustangs since. Not to mention some cameos from some absolute legendary cars like Jaguar’s XJ220 and a Lamborghini Diablo.
Action sequences 10/10 Comedy 8/10 Nicholas Cage 11/10
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:52AM by Mr_Onsomeothershit
Retro 90’s Justice League Trailer (Fan Made)
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:59AM by stoksyxl
Looking For A Specific Ghost Movie
My sister is looking for a specific movie she saw at least 10 years ago. The only things she can remember is that the movie is about a dude that has been murdered in thee olden times. He haunts a manor and some people show up and try to solve his murder. The details are pretty vague. There's also some people who try to prevent them from discovering the truth (???).
If you know what I'm talking about, then you're a genius 😂😂
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 05:01AM by Candymehdi
[NY Times] Why was 2004 such a strong, surprising year for movies? In his retro box office column, @Wesley_Morris looks back at a week when "Collateral" and "The Village" topped the chart and directors delivered original stories with stars and style.
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 05:02AM by UnclutchCurry
The Italian Coastguard has evacuated 49 migrants from a rescue ship in the Mediterranean, funded by the British artist Banksy, about 12 hours after it called for help.
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:39AM by NinjaDiscoJesus
On Path To Normalize Relations, UAE Formally Ends Boycott Of Israel
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 05:00AM by aint_killed_me_yet
History in Film
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:31AM by Reddit__PI
Is my Dutch good? I'm new to it sooo is it good?
Goednavond! Ik het Chloe. Waar kom je vandaan? (Put a random place idk) Gauw tot ziens dag!
I'm not good with conversations yet but it should say: Good evening! I am chloe. Where are you from? See you soon goodbye!
I'm so sorry I'm shit at making convos make sense.
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:46AM by llama_302
If a rocket was launched at full speed horizontally, would it destroy the Earth?
A rocket going full speed horizontally; will it tear the Earth's atmosphere?
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:46AM by Kronos099904
Questions on mushrooms.
So me and my gf were eating some mushroom tacos and she asked me why you can't you buy mushrooms at stores like say onions or potatoes out of the bin and you place it in the plastic produce bag. The only thing I said was I know you can buy the giant portabello mushrooms like that and idk people suck and could toss a dangerous mushroom in said bin. I tried to Google it and everything was about magic mushrooms.
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:53AM by xTHEBEARKINGx
Are there any subreddits for really weird old inventions
Ex. The rat trap with a pistol
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 04:58AM by Distressed_Sock69
Am I the only one who thinks this whole situation is horribly fucked.. it is not only taking away what I have owned for 15 years .. it forces me to stay in contact with someone who clearly gives zero fucks about me.
Im not reddit savvy, sorry
I reached out the first time and received great support with my father post, and got some support when my landlord decided to go back on what he said about having a dog.
I thought my Man and I were on the same page. I fully believed we were on the same track, we would support eachother no matter what.
We are in a moment that is both horrible and enlightening at the same time. Enlightening for me not him ..... This is why.
I am sadly desperate for any advice. I don't care if it's supporting what i said or supporting what he has done. I just need some solid advice on how to move on.
So here is the issue;
Is it normal for a storage company to change ownership without the actual owner there?
Things haven't been great in my relationship. I packed some things and was about to leave for this place when; I was informed that he had it changed to his name.
Basically I was walking out the door to my loaded car and he yelled out, good luck getting into my storage unit. Apparently he went down and changed ownership into his name, changed the lock on the unit, and changes the passcode into the place.
I had this unit YEARS (early 2000s, I graduated in 2005 and needed a storage unit soon after) before this happened. They never called me. Never fucking asked me.
Not only is this wrong on so many business levels.. it's horrific on a personal level. I now have to talk to him, someone I never ever want to see, to gain access to the storage unit that only has my shit in it.
I have talked to some people and they said
" this should make me feel good' "He cared enough to do try and support you" "You're not going to get any better then him" "Finally a man is taking charge in your life. Embrace it. Love it. You need it"
This brings me to my question..
How do I not only calmly react to this but how do I go about getting my storage unit back? I never gave permission... Never asked him to take over.
Where the fuck do I go now?
Submitted August 30, 2020 at 05:04AM by nmnickel
Once you realize that most people are stupid, everything make sense.
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:57AM by icouldbesurfing
There are numbers that haven’t been said.
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:59AM by LiL-WeT-ToWeL
We usually love the way certain cloth smells not because it smells good, but because it reminds us of someone else who uses that scent.
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:59AM by Maedhros-Maitimo
Shit is an outward dildo
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 05:02AM by whoReallyCaresNoOne
Planet Earth is drifting around the Sun.
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 05:03AM by HighAxper
The older you get the less people with the same exact birthday as you exist
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 05:05AM by madagony
A friend will tell you that everything will be alright. A best friend will let you know that things can go south!
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 05:06AM by iMalivo
If Hairy Potter was a shonen anime, it would probably end at the Goblet of Fire as Harry would have his power awakening and destroy them all.
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 05:07AM by kiwikiviboi
Each one of us probably holds a bunch of world records at unimpressive, mundane things we don’t even know about.
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 05:09AM by Nabaneebo
Horses were mans best friend before dogs
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 05:09AM by mr_eugine_krabs
Films like Fantasia?
Does anyone have any recommendations for films/videos like Fantasia or Fantasia 2000? I’m talkin about something with interesting music set to animated visuals. I love playing either of these films in the background while doing stuff around my house/hanging out with people because they just make a nice atmosphere! Is this a particular genre? What are others like it?
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:36AM by Basil_ButNotTheHerb
Explain this!
James McAvoy has
Last King of Scotland: His breakout performance with so much depth!
Filth: Arguably His strongest performance, absolutely phenomenal.
Atonement: Despite being a well-acclaimed movie, and also warranting a nomination for young Saoirse, McAvoy was overlooked.
Split: He portrayed perfectly a range of characters, with the perfect mix of cry scenes to boot. Despite not being an amazing movie, his performance was amazing.
Glass: SplitX2
All in his repertoire without a single Oscar nomination! Absolutely mental!
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:57AM by Mustafa28_
Brazil environment ministry says to stop fighting deforestation, VP denies it
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:42AM by joesoldlegs
Brazil's environment ministry, in reversal, says will continue fighting deforestation
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:43AM by joesoldlegs
The family of a British aid worker being held by Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in Syria's Idlib province released a video on Friday in which he described his alleged torture and interrogation during an earlier period in the group's custody.
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:48AM by green_flash
Leftists don’t want you to see this
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:27AM by PlasticFenian
Do you ever feel people would look at you less weirdly if you were the opposite gender? That somehow your personality would be more acceptable as a woman or man?
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:42AM by Julianstelvio
Has anyone hired a PI in a family-related matter?
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:46AM by DrPuddyCalling
Why is it called formula "1", why specifically the number 1?
Also I'm new here (:
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:47AM by Billy_Whisky01
You can get any superpower, the first person to comment on it chooses the downside.
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:48AM by 3-20CharactersUsed
Can someone make a bot that would get rid of unwanted subs we created?
I think you can get rid of them by naming a moderator and then removing yourself from moderation, would that work as a bot?
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:53AM by trudel69
Would you kill me?
Submitted August 29, 2020 at 05:03AM by xjhulxitoch
We could all perceive colors completely differently but nobody would ever know.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 05:03AM by BoognishWeen
If people die or go ballistic from injuries in the NFL later in their life, people probably die from injuries sustained from Batman later in their life.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 05:07AM by Awsomethingy
Future historians/archaeologists will keep all manner of chargers, plugs, cables and adapters as part of their toolbelt
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 05:08AM by meetmeintheuniverse
The greatest conspiracy at the moment is getting people believing in conspiracies.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 05:11AM by Manny_mermaid
The opposite of "up" can't be "down", because that's still a direction.
If we define an opposite as being an inverse of something, then the opposite of up would not be down. That's because up is a direction, and so is down. The inverse of "up" would actually be "down, but not as a direction". There is, in fact, another kind of down that isn't a direction, and that's sadness.
So the opposite of up is sadness.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 05:12AM by Shadoremi64
'Bill & Ted Face the Music' Review Thread
Metacritic: 66/100 (15 critics)
As with other movies, the scores are set to change as time passes. Meanwhile, I'll post some short reviews on the movie.
It’s silly and occasionally a little slow, and it could use the kind of in-person audience that it won’t get in these pandemic days. But if you felt any affection for “Bill & Ted” in the past, you’ll feel it again here, because the movie rides on the same kind of goofy charm as its predecessors. Winter and Reeves, meanwhile, manage to make the years and the mileage show without losing that essential Billishness or Tediosity; maybe they weren’t born to play these guys, but it’s still a lot of fun when they do.
“Face the Music” is a giant party of a movie, made all the more gratifying by the way it sits at odds with the divisive moment that greets its release. Things may be dire (in this movie and IRL) but Bill and Ted’s unbridled enthusiasm as their stumbles through daunting circumstances turn gleeful ignorance into a form of escapism. Their biggest takeaway (“Maybe we should always not know what we’re doing!”) doesn’t reach the same quotable sagacity of “Be excellent to each other,” but it’s on the same continuum. A little stupid idealism can go a long way, and “Face the Music” makes the case that morons can come together to set the world right. Talk about movie magic.
Bill & Ted Face the Music is a pleasant escape for the quarantine-stricken, a sweet and entertaining romp that defies expectations by largely recapturing what worked about the series so many years later. Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter rekindle their past chemistry almost instantly, even if their successors, Brigette Lundy-Paine and Samara Weaving, aren’t always quite as well-served by (or as comfortable with) the daft material. Still, the whole ensemble cast is entertaining and the movie itself proves a good-natured distraction from our own grim time.
-Jim Vejvoda, IGN: 7 "good"
The film is weightless and super-goofy — a blissed-out air balloon of nostalgia. It zips right along, it makes you smile and chortle, it’s a surprisingly sweet-spirited love story, and it’s a better tribute to the one-world utopian power of classic rock than “Yesterday” was. On a scale of one to 10, I wouldn’t say that “Face the Music” goes to 11, but it’s a most excellent sequel.
I was worried that Bill & Ted may not have the staying power, especially when we’ve seen comedy sequels like Zoolander 2 and Bad Santa 2 falter so badly after decades away from their beloved originals. The secret of the Bill & Ted movies is that they work out from simple characters, but then make their circumstances different enough so that it doesn’t feel like a retread. There are moments when the pacing gets a bit slow and Bill and Ted fighting with their future selves get a little redundant. But there’s no mistaking Face the Music for the previous two movies, especially as it reaches its lovely crescendo about the kind of future we not only leave to our children, but what those children give to us in return. Party on, dudes.
Director Dean Parisot (Red 2, Galaxy Quest) manages to more or less corral this clown car for the next 90 minutes, though even that runtime can feel like a stretch. Mostly, the joy comes from watching Reeves and Winter on screen, two holy fools just doing their best to bring light and love and non-heinous riffs — and remind the bleary-eyed citizens of 2020, perhaps, of a simpler, sweeter world gone by.
-Leah Greenblatt, Entertainment Weekly: B
Keanu Reeves & Alex Winter are back, dudes, and still pretty awesome.
The conclusion of “Bill & Ted Face the Music” is pure corn, and by that point, they’ve earned it. It’s a film that’s somehow both offhand and meticulous, shaggy yet crisp, and the apparent joy of its creation is infectious. I laughed through a lot of it, and smiled through the rest. What a treat this movie is.
-Jason Bailey, The Playlist: B+
It’s harder than ever to believe in the idyllic land of harmony foretold in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. 2020 is the most non-non-heinous year of my lifetime. Perhaps that’s why Bill & Ted Face the Music’s optimism in the face of the apocalypse feels so welcome. It suggests that even if a song could never fix the universe, maintaining hope can be a world-changing act. Bill & Ted might be about life’s disappointments, but it is not one of them.
-Matt Singer, Screen Crush: 7/10
The film suggests that Bill and Ted’s dreams of stardom aren’t so stupid after all.
-Chuck Bowen, Slant: 2.5/4
Being excellent is uncommon in the belated threequel.
-Richard Roeper, The Chicago Sun Times: 2/4
A sequel of rare sincerity, Bill & Ted Face the Music avoids feeling like a craven reviving of a hollowed-out IP or a cynical reboot, mostly because its ambition is the stuff of affection—for what the filmmakers are doing, made with sympathy for their audience and a genuine desire to explore these characters in a new context. Maybe that’s the despair talking. Or maybe it’s just the relief of for once confronting the past and finding that it’s aged considerably well.
-Dom Sinacola, Paste: 6.9/10
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:33AM by SanderSo47
TENET Plot and Chatacter Theory (SPOILERS for Entire Movie)
I believe that Robert Pattinson and Elizabeth Debicki's son are the same person at different ages. Robert Pattinson's final words are "We've known each other a long time, but this is my end to our story, and your's is just beginning," which he says to John David Washington.
Robert Pattinson is Elizabeth Debicki's son from 25 years in the future, who has to go back in time to take a bullet for John David Washington in the tunnel to stop Kenneth Brannaugh's endgame, AND allow JDW to live to confront Priya before she kills Elizabeth Debicki and her son. If Robert Pattinson dies as a kid (by Priya), then he cannot help JDW stop Kenneth Branagh, and if JDW dies disarming Tenet, then he cannot stop Priya from killing Robert Pattinson as a kid.
If you want to hurt your brain a little more, I believe that there was a Star-Lord-smacking-Thanos moment of selfishness when Elizabeth Debicki kills Kenneth Brannaugh's character prematurely, forcing Robert Pattinson to improvise. You can see a building reverse explode from the top, then blow up from the bottom instead. Robert Pattison mentions changing arm band colors (red and blue), but I believe we saw TWO 25-year old Robert Pattinsons who both martyr themselves to ensure that ONLY their 5-year-old self survives. This is seemingly confirmed when we see JDW and RP run into the tunnel the SECOND TIME, as we follow RB who is driving a vehicle.
TL, DR: John David Washington (age 25, from now) meets Robert Pattinson (age 25, from future), they use Priya and her resources to stop Kenneth Branagh, Robert Pattinson (25, from future) dies protecting John David Washington, to ensure that John David Washington kills Priya, preventing her from killing Elizabeth Debicki's son, Robert Pattinson (age 5, from now).
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:40AM by SekiroMTL
Finally...I've found it. The closest thing to "True Detective"...and it's not a show...
I have been scanning near and far for movies and TV shows that are similar to true detective, but have come up short...Der Pass was probably the most similar TV show I've seen. However, last night I watched "Marshlands" and it is literally a Spanish replica of True Detective in movie form.
Honestly, the movie was phenomenal. Even better than all 3 seasons of TD in my opinion. It's raw, it's dark and it's a bloody amazing hunt for a serial killer. Superb acting, great plot, beautiful cinematography with the background of the Deep South of Spain.
American TV is just getting worse and worse. It's disheartening. If you have the patience for subtitles and are curious to branch out I'll gladly hit you with some bomb ass mystery/thriller/drama European gems. There's a ton. And honestly a majority of the similar plot lines usually end up trumping American originals.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:40AM by Gorndog92
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:42AM by vmoreno
Netflix’s Bundy movie was shockingly awful. Ty Burrell should have played him about ten years ago.
I think what I was displeased with most on the Netflix Ted Bundy movie was how uninteresting it was. But also it glorified Ted Bundy as a romantic antihero of sorts.
I’m no major Hollywood director but I personally would’ve loved to have seen a little younger Ty Burrell play him in a movie that is thematically about how complex ASPD can be at that level, especially for the time when mental healthcare was mote primitive than even the law system that let him escape multiple times.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:47AM by pickled_beans
Rewriting The Tax Collector
So, I recently watched it and was as disappointed as most other people were. So many underused actors, underdeveloped characters, and missed opportunities for action.
So how would one rewrite or redirect this movie if you had a chance to see it before anyone else and knew the studio had the money and time to reshoot it? What parts get changed?
I’ll go first: Don’t show Shia’s character sweating profusely when he’s holding the gun in the guy’s mouth, saying “I want to. I want to do it...”. Does he want to do it or is it his first time threatening someone?
What would you guys change?
I wouldn’t change a single casting choice. I will never watch a George Lopez comedy special, but even he was perfect in this movie. He talked fast and his accent was cool - like an unfunny Michael Peña.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:49AM by hurtfocker
I watched Blade 1 with my dad and I hated it
I felt no emotional connection to the characters in it, the cgi was awful, blade’s (the character) personality changed constantly and the story was just written so Wesley snipes could make bad jokes whilst shirtless-ly punching vampires.
My whole experience can be summed up with this
When Whistler died I went “oh no” and then remembered, I don’t actually care.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:58AM by i-had-no-good-ideas
What makes a perfect movie?
Imagine you just came out of a freezing cold and dark movie theater. Your legs are still recovering from the lack of movement, as are your eyes from the ridiculous amount of sunlight shining on you. Then it hits you. Whatever you just went out of your way to watch--from beginning to end--was perfect. It may not have been according to the critics, or your friends. Hell, even I might've thought it was trash. But that doesn't matter. It was perfect to you. The question is: What movie(s) did that for you, and what made it so damn excellent? Was it the story? The characters? The score? The visuals?Whatever it may be, I'd love to know.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 05:02AM by MrArtistry
Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi casts doubt on COVID-19 originating in China
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:38AM by polopiko
Passenger sues easyJet after crew told her to move seats to satisfy Orthodox Jews
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:46AM by kgallo19
Man killed in stabbing attack in central Israel, Palestinian arrested
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:48AM by ImNoEinstein
Anti-gay street preachers in Vancouver break leg of man challenging them. Possible hate crime charges coming | "I stood up to anti-gay evangelical bullies in the West End, and they purposefully broke my leg for the trouble...I’m going to have metal plates in my leg for the rest of my life"
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:51AM by mepper
Warsaw Zoo begins medical marijuana trial to help calm its stressed-out and grieving elephants
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:52AM by LatoyMccarroll
My mother hearing WAP for the first time
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:26AM by ReyKLark
Why do people do this to me?
Stop and look at me. Get mad when I look at them. Stop me from getting stuff. Tell people stuff about me. Ask me questions. Block me from getting by. Whisper stuff in my ear. Stomp their feet behind me. Take my stuff out my hand and make me beg for it back. Follow in behind me. Watch me. Force me to do things I don't want to do.
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:40AM by NightAir_
Was putting requested paperwork on absent bosses desk, saw resume for my department, how do I check on why we are hiring?
So. I work at a specialty store with a sales team, a warehouse team, and my team, the office. The office is made of three people.
The one who was hired to be manager has continued to default on her role, she was hired FT but one day came in and said she was going to only work 20hr a week. This is only one of the incredibly ballsy shit she’s done. Like giving five day notice for a 2.5 week vacation.
For some reason this is all allowed, she seems to be favored (or pitied?) by the boss.
I know I am young but I have been working very hard with other teammate to hold this shit together. I just got approved for full time last month and let go of a part time job for this place.
My boss called after he left and asked me to put some paperwork on his desk. I did and saw some resumes, we are hiring in the warehouse and I’ve been setting the appointments, and a name caught my eye because it was a feminine one. I looked at it more and saw ‘office’ in my boss’s handwriting circled along with base pay.
I can think of three reasons.
Bad coworker is fired. Glad to see her go but I got my hour increase because she was bad, will I lose hours?
I am fired. Fuck
They want to try and fill out the odd tenido hr gap left because bad coworker cut her hours and I can’t pick them all up???
How do I even bring this up with my boss? I’m thinking simply of something like ‘why are we hiring another office person if the budget only has less than ten hours in it?’
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:47AM by jezebel_s_canary
Is Robinhood an Anarcho-Capitalist or an Anarcho-Communist?
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:52AM by johnkop4
What motherboard should I use for my retro 2007 gaming pc build?
I've been trying to search for parts for my retro 2007 gaming pc build, and so far I've decided that I'll be using an ati radeon x1800 GTO for the gpu and for the cpu I've decided to use an amd athlon 64 x2 6000. Is there a specific motherboard that would go great with this or would any motherboard from 2007 work? (I'm new to pc building)
Submitted August 28, 2020 at 05:00AM by Fungusamongus27
The Fact That We Live In A World Where F*ggot And R*tard Are Commonly Used Insults Goes To Show That We Aren’t As Accepting Of A Society As Most Would Like To Believe.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:52AM by PelofSquatch
The Pyramids of Giza were just an ancient, glorified dick measuring contest.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:56AM by BongusWongus
Invulnerable super hero’s have the additional benefit of never getting stung by a bee or bit by a mosquito
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:56AM by SipSlipperySalmonSon
A lot of TV shows featuring kid characters are going to have to deal with an inexplicable growth spurt when they come back on the air.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:01AM by theresamouseinmyhous
You can tell how long someone has spent in prison by how well they play the harmonica.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:02AM by Gary_October
Childhood is you throwing a tantrum to get your parents to do what you want, teenage is your parents throwing a tantrum to get you to do what they want.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:07AM by Dahuey64
The moon is simultaneously in the sky and underground at all times.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:08AM by ekolis
In 65 million years, your fossilized bones may be excavated by a yet nonexistant species of creatures. Rest in peace.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:09AM by trabbler
You probably lose a pair of socks just as often as you lose only one sock, you just don’t notice the missing pair as quickly
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:10AM by guminhyeok
School wasn't designed to be useful for most people's lives, it's designed to let you get the highest paying jobs.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:10AM by Gon_ExplodeOnMyChair
Speeches are long one sided conversations
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:11AM by Alldayanyday
Paramount will soon announce it will join MoviesAnywhere
They recently posted a trailer for their new movie coming to PVOD called 'Spontaneous'. At the end of the trailer, they showcased retailers to purchase the film when it's released.
MoviesAnywhere was featured as a retailer.
Paramount famously hasn't participated in MoviesAnywhere and it looks like things are going to change soonish
Trailer below to check for yourself.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:33AM by ROBtimusPrime1995
Official Discussion - Tenet (International Thread) [SPOILERS]
If you've seen the film, please rate it at this poll.
If you haven't seen the film but would like to see the result of the poll click here.
Click here to see rankings for 2020 films
Click here to see rankings for every poll done\
Armed with only one word, Tenet, and fighting for the survival of the entire world, The Protagonist journeys through a twilight world of international espionage on a mission that will unfold in something beyond real time.
Christopher Nolan
screenplay by Christopher Nolan
- John David Washington as the Protagonist
- Robert Pattinson as Neil
- Elizabeth Debicki as Kat
- Dimple Kapadia as Priya[
- Michael Caine as Sir Michael Crosby
- Kenneth Branagh as Andrei Sator
- Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Ives
- Clémence Poésy as Barbara
- Himesh Patel as Mahir
- Denzil Smith as Liam
- Martin Donovan as Victor
Rotten Tomatoes: 86%
Metacritic: 72/100
After Credits Scene? Yes
VOD: none, go to the theater if you dare!
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:37AM by mi-16evil
Shifter (2020) Indie Sci-Fi Teaser Trailer - "A socially awkward but ambitious young woman experiences painful and gruesome side effects after an experiment with time travel goes wrong, causing her to lose control and shift through time at random."
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:45AM by girafa
Can we get other director cuts that never saw the light of day?
With the success of the Snyder cut being approved, I wonder if we will get other director cuts that never saw the light of day? What about director cut movies like the Edgar wright version of Ant-Man? Edgar Wright left Ant-Man because Marvel Studios wanted him to do things their way, instead leaving him to do things his creative way and I have heard that Edgar Wrights version was very cool and insiders that have seen it, called it refreshing. Too bad that we won't get to see that version and Marvel Studios probably has the script locked away in their vault or it has probably been destroyed.
What about even the cut version of Fantastic Four 2015? Josh Trank stated that the studio had cut all his good scenes and tried rushing the movie out as soon as they could and because of this, Josh Trank ended up voicing his frustration about the majority of the good parts from the movie being cut. He claimed that it would have been way better if they didn't cut out all the good scenes and I wonder, if it would have been any better than the terrible version we got?
I wonder about what other director cuts that never saw the light of day and if there would be any hope for them getting a chance of ever getting to see the light of day?
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:51AM by rndomguy7
[Spoilers] "Gorilla scene" from Bad Trip 2020
Eric Andre recently put out a hidden camera prank movie called "Bad Trip." I haven't seen it yet, but I have read some reviews and apparently it's pretty funny. There have been many mentions of a scene involving a gorilla. They don't go into detail, but it has me very curious. To those who've seen the movie, what exactly happens in this scene and how long does it go on for? In case it's NSFW, pm me the details. Thanks.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:51AM by bestlozoman
First Image of Stellan Skarsgård in DUNE
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:52AM by DCEU_FAN
Tenet (2020) Short Review with No Spoilers
First it was a great feeling to be able to go back to the big screen!
And it was definitely worth it! Before talking about the film let’s talk about Nolan, I felt that he trapped himself in his own world and this film was actually dedicated for himself to enjoy! It’s a bit of an arrogant film -if you want to describe it that way- I truly felt that way inside the movie! Tenet is an experience that goes smoothly to help you digest the story till you reach the peak and then the noise starts coming in! The storyline is thin but enjoyable! Cinematography was definitely challenging but it doesn’t stand next to Dunkirk for example! It felt weak and done in a rush for me! Characters are beautiful but didn’t feel the motive a lot, part of the background story was missing for me, on the other hand he obviously tried to make sure of the diversity in the cast and he succeeded, didn’t feel that it wasn’t genuine.
I would give the movie 7.2 Rating.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:54AM by mohamed_django
Satellite image of Hurricane Laura approaching starting from early morning Aug 26 2020
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:21AM by L1011TriStar
In your experience; are straight women far more grossed out by their own and other vaginas than straight men are by their own and other penises?
Are vaginas just seen as objectively more gross?
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:39AM by LALALALAOOHLALA
Leaking ceiling
Over a year and a half ago my apartment bathroom used to have a soggy, moldy part of ceiling that would fall when touched. Plumber came and cut a square out of the ceiling that was left open for a few months with water still dripping. The leak wasn’t fixed and the ceiling was patched up by maintenance. Today, I walked into my bathroom to find the floor soaking wet. Water was leaking through the ceiling fan. They fixed the supposedly running toilet upstairs but haven’t done anything to dry the ceiling or fix where the water was leaking from. Has anyone had experience with this? What am I supposed to do if management has been neglecting to fix the leak? I’ve been calling the health department and haven’t gotten any calls back. Management has also been neglecting to answer my calls or call back since 8 this morning. I was also told by a neighbor that the bottom floor of my building has black mold. I know it’s a health hazard, but am I still able to file anything or break my lease without having to pay and if the mold (which I’m not sure if there is mold or not in my unit specifically; my guess is there is) isn’t in my unit is it still a health hazard? There are also little bugs that have been flying around my unit. I kill them and it seems like more and more are here. Please help!
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:49AM by Middle_Distribution7
Vinyl records
This may or may not be the place to ask, but I went for it anyways. Has anyone ever use the website to buy a vinyl record? I’m trying to see if they are legit. I’m not getting very far with online reviews or anything.
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:00AM by z0mbi3bOn3
What is it like to grow up in a normal family?
Submitted August 27, 2020 at 05:03AM by NightAir_
Companies with Face ID technology have access to see our most private moment... our pooping face!
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:56AM by philsocc
If you have a life you can always undo it
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:59AM by creppy_art
A slice of salami lying down is actually standing up
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:59AM by SwedishPretzel
When we look at the stars in the sky, we are looking at their past
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 05:00AM by Ashtiin
Seeing someone take pictures of strangers with their phone looks weird, but it looks totally normal when done with a professional camera.
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 05:04AM by Jtg_Jew
If you swim in the sea, you are still swimming with sharks even if they are far from you.
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 05:04AM by SidneyRL
Scratching your neck with a butcher’s knife in your hand is a confident move
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 05:06AM by influencedbyyou
Worthless and not important feel the same
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 05:07AM by Biddy_Bear
When “offensive” episodes of tv shows get removed, it’s just free publicity for the tv-show.
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 05:07AM by upsidedownsideoffic
The actors in Wes Anderson's films must have sore necks from looking towards the camera sideways.
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 05:07AM by Dapper-Obligation-17
Laying eggs is a chickens version of having a period.
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 05:11AM by MrScandanavia
Saying someone will cure the common cure is maybe, one of the biggest way of showing a character is scientific advanced/skilled
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 05:11AM by Kennedy_KD
I think Jordan Peele’s Us was very flawed
First off, I would like to mention I really like Jordan Peele. I have been a fan since Madtv, I thought Get Out was amazing, and I’m looking forward to Candyman and Lovecraft.
However, I really think Us needed a rewrite. I don’t understand the positive reception it got. There were a lot of tone issues and felt like it wasn’t quite a horror, or a thriller, or an allegory of our society. Some of the comedic scenes just seemed so out of place. So many plot holes. It wasn’t scary. Certain parts were just cringy.
My biggest issue is the plot of the film is that the reveal of the tethered would have been much better if it were caused by something supernatural or not explained at all. I’m willing to suspend disbelief if it is supernatural or a sci fi, but the movie is stating that the government actually did clone everyone and kept them in tunnels underground where they were never discovered. This created so many plot holes in my mind that I couldn’t even enjoy the movie.
Why didn’t the real Adelaide never just come up to the surface?
Why did the real Adelaide give her little Bond villain monologue to Adelaide when they both know what happened?
When does the mirroring effect/controlling your tethered stop or activate? Why did real Adelaide become controlled by clone Adelaide when she was done there (the ballerina scene) but then she was able to orchestrate the uprising. How did clone Adelaide get free will in first place to go up and kidnap real Adelaide? How was the son just able to force his clone (or the other way around if you want to discuss that theory) to walk into the fire? It seems like a DMV car or something.
Real Adelaide was forced to be with Abraham (the clone version of the surface dad)? Did real Adelaide fuck Abraham at the exact same moment that their above ground counterparts fucked each other, and the exact same sperm fertilized the exact same egg to create the exact same kids?
Their kids wouldn’t look the same. If person A is raised in a first world country with access to healthcare, a balanced diet, and sunlight and person B was raised underground on raw rabbit meat they would look different even if they had the exact same genetics. Why did they have the same haircuts?
If you fly from NY to LA does your clone follow you?
What happens to your clone when you die?
How did Adelaide orchestrate this uprising? How did she get all these zombie like people across the country to attack at the same time without any phones, internet, etc?
Where did they get the scissors, gloves, and red jumpsuits for everyone?
Why did the government just abandon the project? At the very least wouldn’t it be helpful to have blood and organ replacements for everyone? Couldn’t they be helpful for war or labor? Couldn’t they just use them to experiment on?
Who was maintaining the tunnels? When a light bulb goes out who replaces it? Where do they get the light bulb from? Is the government paying their electricity bills and repairing things that break?
How did they clone everyone? Did the government just collect the hair/blood from every American?
Wouldn’t the clones get scurvy? Wouldn’t the clones have a ton of health problems?
What did the rabbits eat? All the rabbits in the tunnels look like adults. There were no babies. To become adults, they would have had to eat vegetables and if there were vegetables around why didn’t the clones eat them?
Where did the rabbit poop go? Furthermore, what kind of plumbing system is underground for hundreds of millions of clones? Where did their poop go?
Does any other movie ever have this many plot holes?
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:28AM by iamjackscolon76
What is something about a plot point in a specific movie that once brought up to you, changes how you view the movie forever?
Mine is that if you love Back To The Future how do you overlook the fact that Doc Brown is obviously some weird old lookin Pedophile grooming Marty for weird sex stuff.
Don’t believe me?
Marty has access to Doc’s cool ass garage with speakers so Marty can rock out like he can’t at home?
Why is there a motherfucking bed in that room?
Why does Marty have a key to Uncle Creepy Doc Browns “funhouse”?
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:35AM by togsincognito
Primal fear ending
Hey guys. Wondering did Ed Norton’s character give himself away intentionally or unintentionally at the end of Primal Fear? I mean, both make sense. One, he slipped up. The other, he wanted to brag (as is common in criminals) that he got away with it. I guess really it’s subjective but am curious as to the general consensus.
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:41AM by JediBlight
Keanu Reeves Says ‘Bill and Ted Are Not Stoners’
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:50AM by diemonsterdie
Do Dwayne Johnson movies only work in a world with movie theaters still around?
I had an interesting thought today and thought I would bring it here, even though past experiences in this sub whenever someone wants to talk about a movie no one is for it.
Would Dwayne Johnson or Tom Cruise type of movies work if there were only in home movie viewing? Sure there would be action movies still. But the idea of these massive action scenes and budgets go hand and hand with the loud speakers and big screen to match it.
A movie like “San Andreas” simply just doesn’t work in my town home living room. It’s also not the first type of movie I pick when I’m watching something at home. In a hypothetical (but also realistic) world where movie theaters just stop existing because of the luxury of home streaming, would studios stop producing major action films and would these big action stars still exists with a huge and successful career in the future?
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:54AM by 5thCharmer
Started practicing pixel art, this was my second mini project. Here is a simple wizard casting lighting! (OC)
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:42AM by thatoneguyxDDD
Australia: Textbook used in Victorian schools repeats Chinese government propaganda
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:42AM by jimmurphysf
The people 'want a new Belarus,' opposition leader says
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:52AM by Minneapolitanian
What kind of shit the older generation used to tell boomers? I want to know that so I can explain to my boss why he's wrong and not smart
"Fishing rods? we used to catch them with our mouths"
"back in my day there were no telephones at home, we actually had to visit each other!"
I don't know, just made these up. But does anyone know of something like that?
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:44AM by thiikn
I want to learn Russian, how should i start? I already know the whole alphabet.
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 05:06AM by MisterGaloEletrico
Are you presently at in life where you’d thought you’d be five years ago?
Submitted August 26, 2020 at 05:06AM by Timothyy124
School is a place full of strangers that you have to work together with and trust them with your life
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:56AM by StalinIsCommunism
Playing something for a group of people on a speaker is fine, but giving a group of people their own sets of headphones to listen to something is kind of creepy
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 05:00AM by MarinersFan28
There are 102 people who have the exact same dream as you
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 05:00AM by NekvalitnyMato
When a woman asks a man to open a jar they can't, the men try the hardest on their first go so the woman goes wow you're so strong. In reality if a man is by themselves it probably takes them just aslong as the woman to open the same jar.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 05:02AM by lukasday88
We were all robbed of the potential for a secret life of crime by having our fingerprints taken in middle school and entered into national databases before we could even comprehend what had been done
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 05:10AM by DjangoNinja
A lot of modern day ghosts would consist of drug users and suicidal people.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 05:11AM by Anthonybrose
The brain is the only known object aware of its own existence.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 05:11AM by RedBottle_
crime/western movies to drink to?
what are the best crime or western movies to drink to? or dark comedies. I'm just tying this to make sure the post is long enough not to get auto removed so if you've read this far the question is already in the title. I am looking for great crime, western, or dark comedy movies that are nice to drink and smoke to.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:25AM by a-single-aids
Where did all the comedies go?
What happened to this genre? I can’t think of any funny comedies I’ve seen in the last decade other than The Hangover and Superbad. I just watched American Pickle which I didn’t find even remotely funny. But hey, at least it wasn’t a Romcom, which nowadays seem to be the case for about 90% of the new “comedy” movies being pumped out. Plus Marvel movies are tagged as “comedy” just because between the bad plot parts there are a few jokes.
The one thing that kept my humor cells active is rewatching Seinfeld start to finish for the third time, and it’s still hilarious and MUCH funnier than anything I’ve seen in this Millenium.
Is it my own bias and that I’m getting old, or has this wonderful genre died?
I’m desperate for an explanation or alternatively some recommendations on which comedies I should be watching.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:25AM by Bit-Random
"Unhinged" plays less like an attempt to save the cinema than to burn it all down.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:27AM by fxckingrich
Another movie can't remember name
Heeey guuuys its me again lol with another movie title I can't remember. This one is a horror movie though! One of my favs honestly. Its a prequel to another movie I believe. Prettu much this girl messes with an ouija board and soon later gets possessed and stuff. Theirs an iconic scene where she's telling this pretty boy all about what suffocating (drowning?) To death is like before killing him like less than 10 mins later into theovie lol. Please someone help with name. I love creepy little girl movies and want to watch this again so bad. The girl keeps sneaking around using the ouija cause she thinks she's reaching her dad if that helps at all. Also she has an older sister.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:43AM by GoldenSpark1
"Melancholia" (2011) is "metamorphosis" by franz Kafka in disguise.
I'm very tired, and just coming out of a fever, so this is suitably outlandish.
But after watching melancholia today I was struck by it's similarities to "the metamorphosis"
Melancholia is basically a story of how depression is incongruent with a normally functioning life, and how that turns everyone against each other, even if the people themselves are not inherently bad.
The metamorphosis does the same, but with literally turning into a bug as it's form of disability.
In both stories, and I think rather accurate to reality the environment is presented as the enemy, rather than the people themselves.
Without coming off as overly harsh on the people affected, depression and disability are bitches to deal with.
The dynamic of "I need help" and "I can't help you forever, I won't be defined by my attachment to you" are explored in both pieces.
I could go on, but I think the straws I was grasping at just broke, so I'll leave it there
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:49AM by PM__Me-_your__tits
Not sure if this has been posted here before, but this wannabe thug threatens a vet and gets punked. Then proceeds to talk shit while walking away.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:58AM by Minecraft_Stoner
As world grapples with pandemic, schools are the epicenter
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:37AM by polymute
Indonesia bill weakening environmental safeguards to pass in October
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:43AM by mom0nga
WHO: Children aged 6-to-11 should wear masks at times, too
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:45AM by polymute
A Lawyer’s Tweets Put India’s Supreme Court on Trial and Him at Risk of Imprisonment
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:52AM by SaulKD
Chinese fishing vessels operating in the vicinity of the Galapagos Islands are complying with international fishing regulations on the high seas and none have been reported for illegal activities, China's ambassador to Ecuador said on Monday.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:52AM by Rev0d
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro tells journalists about Covid-19: “when an asshole of yours gets the virus, the chance of surviving is much less”. His speech happens at an event called "Brazil Beating Covid" while the number of deaths in the country is 115,309.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:58AM by muriloves
What is a relationship?
It might sound stupid, and I understand if people would now think I am dumb, but I just don't get it. In a relationship, most people have sex, life together and share secrets. But all that can you do with friends too. I never understood the difference between friendship and relationships. Friends can also kiss, can also live together and can share secrets and get each others backs. People love their friends too, so I don't see any difference there. Could someone please explain it?
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:50AM by N3at00
What’s you favorite kind of steak?
Mine is Rib eye
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 04:58AM by CrownedLime7757
What is your dream superpower?
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 05:01AM by blaze-flame
Anyone else get constant coincidences in their life?
It's insane the amount of times coincidences keep happening in my life. It's actually got to the point where it pisses me off when one happens.
Submitted August 25, 2020 at 05:01AM by skulutor
once the bomb/defuser is planted, the attack and defense roles are swapped
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:52AM by yusufbahaa
The breeding of mules is consistently half-assed.
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:55AM by RobertGBradley
You don't actually cook pasta, you just boil water and put it in that's what you do.
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:56AM by Mutant_Llama1
Hair are okay until they fall off and become disgusting
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:56AM by andovinci
Carrie Underwood is the angry Taylor Swift.
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:57AM by SpaceRoots
you can put Hardbass over anything to make it look more badass
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 05:01AM by Bot56754
We live in a strange world where candy bar companies brag about cutting their portion sizes in half while keeping the same prize and expect to be praised for it.
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 05:01AM by roastedtoperfection
We have a better understanding of animals mating rituals than we do of our own species mating ritual.
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 05:07AM by The_Mr_Ibad
The taller you are, the longer you sleep.
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 05:11AM by Fluffy123432
Shrek (2001) is actually good, and gets better the older you get.
Yeah, I decided to watch Shrek cause well I had nothing else better to do. We all know it was the meme movie, but just 5 minutes into the movie I was actually laughing and loving it. Keep in mind I saw this movie when I was a kid and watched it growing up and now I’m 21, and I think it’s freakin hilarious. One of the most self aware movies, and there’s so much subtle adult humor that just went completely over my head as a kid. As far as animated movies go I mean you just have to give it to the Disney/Pixar, but Shrek may be best feature between Disney and Dreamworks. I genuinely think you can watch this as an adult and get a hell of a kick out of it, and be genuinely entertained throughout the whole movie.
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:30AM by Whiteshirt221
Midsommar one of my favorite movies in 2019, and Wes Anderson one of my favorite directors. I put em together, and came up with this, Midsommar directed by Wes Anderson!
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:33AM by CapableBad
Do you prefer story over violence or violence over story in film?
This is a question I tend to ask people. Let’s say you watch a revenge movie or vigilante or something along those genres of film do you normally prefer seeing a solid story being told as to how the main characters deal with the people who did them wrong? Or do you prefer to just see the villains get what’s coming to them and wish to see blood and gore none stop? In my opinion I tend to like a lot of violence if the premise is good enough without too much story exposition. What do you think?
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:34AM by skeletron27
Which movie franchise has your favorite cast of actors?
I recently re-watched the Hunger Games series for the first time since it was released in theaters. Though not particularly the best movies, I'd still have to say they at least have one of the best castings:
- Jennifer Lawrence
- Woody Harrelson
- Philip Seymour Hoffman
- Julianne Moore
- Mahershala Ali
- Stanley Tucci
- Donald Sutherland
- Jeffrey Wright
- Jack Quaid
- Elizabeth Banks
- Wes Bentley
What are some of your favorite movie franchise castings??
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:47AM by mnightshamalama2
The Eight Hundred - International Trailer
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:50AM by asian_identifier
Fatso (1980) - Get the Honey!
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:50AM by TheDood715
How to talk to closed people.
I start school in seven days now and in my class there is a boy that is super funny and cute but only few people really know who he is becouse he is closed to everybody. I met him 2 years ago and i still dont know anything about him becouse he dosent want to talk to other peole, he always says that he ia busy or juat says fuck off. My friend who lend me his reddit acount said that reddit is full of helpful people who always have good advice so here i'am.
PS. Sorry if i made any spelling mistakes
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:42AM by MichaelRobin1528
is this mean....
is it mean that I’m talking to my friend who had recently got her driving license (if I’m driving in the car with her) to make sure she knows what she doing on the road because I’m just weird about my safety, I don’t want to get into any car accidents.
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:42AM by Carebear6590
What does this dream mean?
Ever since I was about 5, i'd have this reaccuring dream, every year or so. In this dream, I'd be in a dark huge room. And I'd be on a kind of hallway-like bridge. It was just a huge solid platform. Just like in some video games which extend their designs within the gameplay, this hallway would change colours, like a rainbow kind of rhythm. But a in a pattern of arrows facing the same directions just like >>>>>>>>>>>> These designs always bug me;; make me feel uneasy and uncomfortable But, at both ends of this hallway type of thing there would be a door. In my dream I'd be at one end, running to the other end because a massive sphere would be chasing me. However, this platform, which i will refer to as a hallway since it gives off a feeling of being a hallway illusion, would also be never-ending. In my dream, I'd be running and running but at the same time be getting smaller and smaller, then eventually, I would wake up without ever reaching to the end. This also sort of links to a reaccuring daydream that i would have quite a lot during my life;; it would just be short but everything would be massive, and growing massive.
Does anyone know what my dream could mean? Im just plain tired of the dream since It kind of scares me I guess I have a phobia of big things but I really wonder why I get this dream. (Excuse my poor english)
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:50AM by Natsuko_Sayuri_606
Would you have to get rescued from somewhere like an island?
I've been watching lost and just wondering if someone was in the same situation, would you HAVE to get rescued by like a helicopter or boat? Or could you stay forever?
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:50AM by Misosceles
guys what to do if memes don't cure my depression anymore
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:52AM by Quertez1
How do you get your physical paper work after completing your physical
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:58AM by Iteets1
Is it okay for me to have most of my bridal party to be guys bc i have more guy friends then girl friends?
Im a (21F) and my bf and i want to get married in the next couple years. I don’t know exactly when but obviously after this whole covid thing calms down. Anyway 3 of my best friends growing up (who are all male) and i really want them to be apart of my bridal party. Ive known one of them, will call him H, since elementary school, The second one, I, ive known since middle school, and, k, ive known since hs. I really want all of them to be in my bridal party when i do get married. One day i was talking about it with my family and one of my aunts, J, said its not traditional and i should not do it bc it will spark controversy. I gave her a look of disgust and walked away. My mom is really supportive and said “fuck her! Its your wedding! Do whatever tf you want!” I totally agree with her but want to get other people’s opinions. Is it wrong for me to have most of my bridal party to be male?
Edit: my whole bridal party will be H,K,I, my boyfriend’s 2 sisters and my ex-stepmom as my maid of honor.
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 04:58AM by LadyDookie19
Feeling not normal sometimes
Hello, While growing up, I'd often be able to see my step-mom's (very well developed and maintained) body while and after her and my dad were together, etc.--to the point that, sometimes I was fairly sure that she was giving me a bit of a show but still playing innocent (which aroused me even more). I was very sexually developed for my age, and she awoke those feeling even more--even her body hair, musk, etc.--sometimes I wonder if I am abnormal for this, and/or for still liking to engage in similar fantasy roles with my partners? Is it ok and normal also? :p
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 05:08AM by floweroflilith
Heterochromia isn't a real condition, we actually just have a very high chance of getting homochromia
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 05:05AM by dungbuggy
Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) must have had major cholesterol issues from 48 eggs a day...
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 05:06AM by bored505
Hearing from the dentist that you have been good with your dental floss is a happy moment
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 05:08AM by MrYellowfield
Removing the thumbs from prisoners would prevent them from hitchhiking in the event they escape.
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 05:09AM by Gary_October
Jimmy Neutron and Fairly Odd Parents were the same show but one meant you were a sci-fi nerd and the other meant you were a fantasy nerd
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 05:11AM by Skandle_us
The movie is good. You just don't get it.
This is quite possibly the worst criticism for someone's criticisms. I've seen the rise of this with the critic Tenet reviews coming out and I'm gonna say it. More complexity in a movie doesn't equal more quality and they may just not like the film. So next time you see a 1 or 2 star review of 2001 or Inception, read what they have to say and don't act like a piece of garbage.
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:24AM by SupremeLeader-Snoke
Women of Color in the DC Universe Talk Casting Backlash and Importance of Representation
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:26AM by Sisiwakanamaru
New images of Robert Pattinson in The Batman (2021)
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:30AM by -Dale_Denton-
My take on the plot of T E NE T.
This may have been posted before I do not know as hypocritical as it sounds, I will not look up spoilers yet here I am making a seemingly one; then again this may mean absolutely nothing, or ring in for people as “duh” like I should’ve known from the start. I am a cinephile; I don’t listen to music, I listen to dialogue while I work etc. Nolan and his movies have always been a focus of mine which any movie lover can say because.. quite frankly whether you love him or not, he makes beautiful cinema. “Inception” was a figure of interest and ultimately resulted in my watching it upwards of 30 times, I felt I grasped the concept. This is why I’m here, not in any form of cinema but as a fan; Idk if anyone else thought of this plot theory but here goes:
First off, T E N E T is obviously a palindrome, or a representation of what we experience in reality in relation to time; think of it like this.
➡️T (past) ➡️N (present) ➡️T (future)
N - being a variable of us, the present which in this factor, flip the word T E N E T upside down.
We no longer see words but just variables, in which N - our present, is the same, and the external sides are flipped.
There are countless scenes that embody this one being in the second trailer,
“This is where our worlds collide.” Two trains are seen going in opposite directions as two separate men seem to be accomplishing the same goal, but opposite sides our main, who sits placed in the middle.
Quite frankly,
Our notion of time is moving forward; T (past)➡️N (present) ➡️T (future)
We are facing enemies who seek to use the power of “inversion” to abuse the past or present, in order to ; ⬅️T (past) ⬅️N (present) ⬅️T (future)
Ultimately, just like our past decides our N, our variable for the future, so is it represented in the opposite. The future altering the past, therefore alters the future, which in turn alters the present.
Meaning? We, Variable N are caught in between a cosmic, ever enclosing battle of
➡️T (past) N (present) ⬅️T (future)
Attacked from both sides. Each side altering the other, like N may alter T on either side, or vice versa.
Once again, this is my alone theory.
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:32AM by beewalters917
All the Batman films are Rubbish.
There has never been a good, live action Batman Movie. All the Batman movies are rubbish. Here’s why.
Batman: The Movie (1966)
This movie was designed as a piss-take of the already terrible TV series. It was deliberately overly camp and silly because at the time translating the much loved but knowingly terrible TV series into a film was seen as a lost cause. The solution was to make it deliberately terrible. Which It is.
Batman (1989)
Plagued by rewrites, a ballooning budget and bickering between leads and the director, Tim Burton’s Batman was widely slated by the critics at the time for being a slow, boring, mess. Which it is. Luckily it was also a corporate merchandising behemoth and made a shit tonne of money out of various tie-ins and promotions thus ensuring that every subsequent superhero movie would be similarly motivated by happy meal sales rather than coherent film making.
Batman Returns (1992)
Aware of how terrible his first movie was, Tim Burton tried to apologies with the sequel making it lighter, faster paced and more audience friendly. To some extent he succeeded, Batman returns is probably the best batman movie which isn’t saying much as it still concerns batman fighting an army of robotic penguins. Not as terrible as the first movie, but still bloody awful.
Batman Forever (1995)
Come on. I don’t have to tell you why this movie is rubbish.
Batman & Robin (1997)
Or this one
Batman Begins (2005)
After the abject failure of Burton and Schumacher’s Batman, Corporate hack Christopher Nolan decided to go in a brave new direction, telling the story of a man who dresses like a bat in a gritty realistic fashion. It almost works. And then Christian bale dressed as a bat turns up and destroys any semblance of “gritty realism” there might have been. Suffers from the same problems Batman 1989 did in that it’s boring and confusing but, unlike that monstrosity, this one tries to do it with a straight face and fails miserably.
The Dark Knight (2008)
An excellent performance by Heath Ledger somehow manages to emphasise the ridiculousness of a man dressed as a bat being taken completely seriously by the police. I can’t watch 5 minutes of this movie without laughing hysterically. The only people who can take this movie seriously collect knockoff Katana’s and have waifu pillows.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Then Heath ledger died but Nolan was contractually obliged to finish his trilogy so he pushed out this turd directly onto his still warm grave. Bane was terrible, the story didn’t make any sense and the nuclear bomb climax is ripped straight from batman 1966 yet manages to make it seem even more ridiculous and implausible.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Never watched this film but it’s terrible and batman is awful in it.
Justice League (2017)
This film is so bad we’re getting a remake because no one could actually believe the original film wasn’t a joke. The backlash against this film from fans was so great the studio actually apologised and promised to give them a new version, which we’re assured will be 3 hours longer… yay.
The Batman (2021)
No one has seen this film yet but given the awesome work the director and cast have done in the past, I’m sure it will be great.
And that’s why all the batman films suck. Next week "Star Wars: the entire saga was made for 11 year olds and if you have an opinion about it in your 40's you need to seriously reevaluate your priorities "
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:42AM by Pyehouse
Wonder Woman thoughts
Way behind, I know. DC is pretty awful, excluding Nolan’s trilogy, and I stayed away. But I saw the new WW 1984 trailer, saw the first WW rating, and thought, “Let’s dive in.”
93% on Rotten Tomatoes?!
The visuals and action sequences were great for the most part.
The last battle between Ares and Diana was absolutely explosive... in a bad way. Lightning, fire, explosions, metal flying around. It was chaotic and mindless.
The dialogue left a lot to be desired. Something about Gal Gadot’s delivery was underwhelming. A lot of the times, it felt like the big moments weren’t earned. Her final revelation that love is the redeeming and inspirational quality of man was so cheesy. Maybe, it was an essential part of her development. Wonder Woman and Superman feel like the Captain Americas of the DCU. I feel like any time they give a speech, they should have their hands on their hips and look to sky.
The pacing was rushed. It didn’t let any moment sink in and take full effect.
The whole movie felt like “HERO TIME” with scenes in between to get to “MORE HERO TIME”.
I love Wonder Woman... and it’s too bad this movie didn’t do her justice.
Gal Gadot does have the perfect Wonder Woman look though. Absolutely great job on the modern, steely colors of her costume. The first battle scene between the Amazons and Germans was fucking amazing.
But 93%?! Come... on.
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:43AM by rice-n-steak
SAG-AFTRA announces changes to health plan covering 33,000 members and their families - no insurance if not earning $25,950 per year - residuals do no count toward requirement - no coverage if partner has insurance
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:43AM by meme_kat
Romance on Film: An Edit
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:44AM by msjaber
Just another day in Southern California
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:43AM by jaymax
Stealthy thieves broke into a Japanese ninja museum and stole a million yen
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:43AM by joesoldlegs
Early voters likely to decide ACT election result well before the traditional Saturday ballot
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:51AM by superegz
Covid-19 Live Updates: Global Death Toll Surpasses 800,000
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:57AM by i3ahab
What is needed to convict someone of rape/sexual assault?
Like for example, i know harvey weinstein was only convicted on charges regarding the rape/sexual assault of two women, despite there being so many accusers. (Im not trying to take away from/doubt anything, i was just curious) And i know there wasn't like physical evidence, so how was it proven?
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:45AM by Snoo-58286
I want to get a one plus phone but my mom says something about me not being able to use it due to the war
So this is really weird but i want to get a one plus phone, my family always use apple phones. So a couple days ago my parents were talking about me getting a new phone (i am still using the iphone 7 btw) and also : my family does not use any of the apple only features or what ever, we dont use facetime, and all the other stuff. So when they asked me what type of phone i wanted i said the one plus 8, they asked which contry it was from and i googled it and it was china. They said that i wouldn’t be able to use my phone bcuz china might shut it off since usa is having a war with china rn WTF. Can they even do that? (Sorry if u cant understand, i translated it from chinese)
I also googled it and the war is true but it said absolutey nothing about one plus being able to do anything like that
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:45AM by _Cococunt_
Why do I get uncomfortable/awkward around some dudes? (I am a straight male)
I am a straight guy who has always been akward and shy around girls, and even so sometimes I can’t look a dude in the eye. I’ve never had any sort of feelings toward dudes and never will, but in like a 1/10 chance I just get extremely uncomfortable around a dude. Is there any explanation?
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:51AM by Hero4Life565
Only 5 Days Into College and My Roommate and I Barely Talk. What's Happening?
I'm a freshman studying Clinical Neuroscience and Pre-Med and I'm extremely intent on going to medical school [not sure if it helps discussion, but I have a feeling that it might be relevant]. I moved into my dorm at the start of this past week. My roommate moved in a few days later.
I started looking for a roommate at the start of the quarantine on the Class of 2024 Facebook page for my college. My roommate was the one who reached out to me. We communicated with each other for about 2-3 months on Snapchat, FaceTime, and over text. I eventually asked him if he wanted to be roommates and he was cool with it. We have similar interests, hobbies, political views, etc. We also grew up in the same region. We also happen to be both STEM majors [once again, not sure if it helps the discussion, but I thought it might be relevant]; he is majoring in Wildlife Conservation.
Bit of background...My personality tends to fluctuate between the INFJ, ENFJ, and ENTJ personality types which usually depends on my mood or current thoughts. I'm the kind of person who likes to be very organized, structured, definitive, and determinate, etc. I don't have much of a liking for wishy-washy people. I'm a huge science nerd and I love having high-energy, intellectual, debate, and Socratic seminar-like discussions with people. I might not agree with them, but it is very informative for me. I really care about issues I am interested in or have experience in and, as a result, I can be very overpassionate and overzealous. I don't care for facades; I like to get to know people as they are and have an intimate [not romantically speaking] relationships. I like to frequently converse with my friends, so I'm not anti-social. I'm not much of a party person, but I do like having fun with people doing stupid antics, staying physically active, etc. I do tend to overthink and sometimes worry about what people think of me but, I pretty much always do my own thing. I am frequently criticized by my friends and parents for being harshly practical and realistic, overplanning, emotionally turbulent, etc [weaknesses associated with the aforementioned personality types]. On the other hand, I can't really pinpoint my roommate's personality. What I can tell is that he is easy-going and laid back...VERY easy-going and laid back.
So on the first day of my roommate and I living together, we got into a discussion about Microsoft vs. Apple with me arguing the pro-Microsoft side. After that conversation, I noticed my roommate felt uneasy. He was very quiet, took a nap, and just wouldn't really communicate with me. It continued to the next day until I finally asked him as to what happened. He told me that he "gets very stressed easily" and that he feels like the discussions between us are like "him being lectured and less of a conversation". He promptly left the room after. I felt quite upset at myself for being described like this so I contemplated this for a good 2 hours and I do admit, I came on in the discussion a bit aggressively, but nothing meant to attack him or his beliefs. I apologized to him the next night and he said that "it's not my fault" but appreciates the apology.
Ever since then, our interactions have been near radio silent. Although I tell him, he doesn't tell me where he is going, what he is doing, etc. In fact, he enters the room periodically for a few minutes and then leaves for a few hours. I have NO idea whatsoever of what is going on and I would really appreciate any thoughts, suggestions, advice, words of wisdom, etc. After all, I am going to be living with him for several months and I don't want to have a bad relationship with him.
TLDR: Roommate and I have similar hobbies, interests, and backgrounds but we have barely spoken to each other in the last three days even though it has been only a few days into college.
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 04:56AM by TwiningLeek881
What gaming laptop should i get ?
Im starting school soon and i need a new computer for online classes, but i'd love to play a couple games on my spare time as well my budget is 1500 but if taxes go up to 1700 i'm ok with it Btw I live in Canada so everything is a bit more pricey here due to money conversion or whatever
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 05:05AM by LifeOfCommie
Have a you ever tell fib about know how to do the hypnosis but put pill in woman's drink to make her sleepy instead?
Submitted August 23, 2020 at 05:07AM by Borat__________
Wonder what it be like to swap place with your mirror self.
Submitted August 22, 2020 at 04:52AM by Grandcanyon19
When you listen to the voice in your head while you have your tongue between your teeth, it’s hard to make it sound normal.
Seriously, try it
Submitted August 22, 2020 at 04:54AM by George-Clegane
People in North Korea have never experienced a traffic jam.
Submitted August 22, 2020 at 04:58AM by alxmartin
Self-cannibalism would help you lose weight.
Submitted August 22, 2020 at 04:59AM by NSFWSoftwareEngineer
You don’t get French toast from toasting French bread.
Title says it all.
Submitted August 22, 2020 at 05:00AM by TallCans26
Facemasks make it pretty easy to see who uses protection.
Submitted August 22, 2020 at 05:02AM by StayaMawile
“Go to sleep and maybe you’ll feel better in the morning” is the human version of “turn it off and on again and maybe it’ll work”.
Submitted August 22, 2020 at 05:09AM by lelocle1853
It's technically possible for your music to play completely in order when set to shuffle.
Submitted August 22, 2020 at 05:09AM by Fakeout3
Toes are usually considered more gross but touch less then your fingers
Submitted August 22, 2020 at 05:10AM by comedianhustle6
It's not another Teen movie cause people need o realize it's a Top 3 parody movie
Submitted August 22, 2020 at 04:23AM by Get_2_The_Choppuh
Theater Owners Unveil Nationwide Safety Protocols to Encourage Return to Cinemas
Submitted August 22, 2020 at 04:40AM by MistleFeast